Positive Ageing

Treatment of excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) is available for those who have been unable to manage this condition themselves.

The medical procedure involves multiple injections that block the sweat glands and stop sweat production.

A tiny needle is used in areas such as hands and armpits and results last typically 4-7 months.

Men with testosterone deficiency can present with flushes and sweats and management of this condition can resolve this and improve general health.

Women may have ‘flushes’ or sweats due to oestrogen deficiency.

Dr Trish can advise on whether anti wrinkle injections or a hormone assessment are more appropriate for you.

A tiny needle is used in areas such as hands and armpits and results last typically 4-7 months.

Our treatments for Excessive Sweating

Quality of life can be significantly affected from a psychological, and social perspective as excessive sweating has a negative impact on performance at work and day-to-day life.

Dr. Trish Davis
Rebalance Your Life

To book an appointment please use the online Booking Form

Booking Form

Or call us on

0800 464 7220

If you are unsure whether this service is right for you then a free discovery call can be arranged. Please request this using the Booking Form.

To book a consultation, please use the Booking Form and select which service you would like.

If you live outside the North East we can organise a prescription to be sent to you or it can be requested from your GP. If you require blood tests, they can be taken at or close to home.