Positive Ageing

Changes in our skin are an inevitable consequence of ageing. My patients frequently say that their usual skin products don’t work as well as they used to or that their skin has become more sensitive, patchy or discoloured.

As a medical professional I recognise the importance of skin health. I understand the science behind the treatments available and can help you to decide how best to manage your skin and to look radiant.

The causes of lack lustre, unpleasantly textured, dry or oily skin concerns need to be understood before we decide on how best to proceed here.

A change in skincare routine may be advised based upon your skin scan analysis. This can be a significant intervention as chemicals in shop bought skincare products can trigger unwanted skin changes and sensitivities.

Bio stimulating treatments such as HAmonyCa™ and Polynucleotides can work within the skin to repair and regenerate, whilst Skin boosters can give temporary hydration and a re-texturising and smoothing outcome.

private menopause clinic newcastle

One of the commonest symptoms seen in my menopause clinic is changes in skin quality and so hormone balance may be important here.

Patients often use bio stimulating and skin boosting treatments to give a ‘glow' to skin before an event

Our treatments for Dull Skin & Fine Lines

Treatment of wrinkles gives patients a fresher complexion and a more youthful appearance. I aim to stop facial lines from getting worse and becoming irreversible scars which patients can find distressing. Once scarred we can still sometimes soften lines with these treatment options but we cannot always take them away completely.

Dr. Trish Davis
Rebalance Your Life

To book an appointment please use the online Booking Form

Booking Form

Or call us on

0800 464 7220

If you are unsure whether this service is right for you then a free discovery call can be arranged. Please request this using the Booking Form.

To book a consultation, please use the Booking Form and select which service you would like.

If you live outside the North East we can organise a prescription to be sent to you or it can be requested from your GP. If you require blood tests, they can be taken at or close to home.